Saturday, April 14, 2012

Why do brunettes always dye their hair blonde?

I'm a natural brunette and though many others like me choose to be blonde, I want to stay with my brown locks! People always tell me "oh dye it blonde' or "get blonde highlights" and some "dye it red" (which is nice but I like my brown hair better). And what really bugs me is when people say "you should dye your hair blonde because you have blue eyes and light skin" as if people with blue eyes and fair skin all have to be blonde?! As if there can be no such thing as a blue-eyed brunette with fair skin?! Hello, this is what most of these bottle blondes are anyway!

Why do brunettes always dye their hair blonde?

I'm a natural brunette and I have blue eyes (its a dark shade of blue but you can clearly see that it is blue). I've died my hair blonde a few times and I actually liked the look of it, as did other people, but I much prefer being a brunette, no offence to any blondes, its just... well I don't know. I like being blonde, but I LOVE being brunette.

And the whole blondes have more fun thing is a total myth, brunettes have alot of fun!

Why do brunettes always dye their hair blonde?

They want to look "easy" when they go to clubs.

Why do brunettes always dye their hair blonde?

cuz they want to experience new hair just like emos dye their hair all black and grow it out

Why do brunettes always dye their hair blonde?

I am a blue-eyed brunette who never once wanted to be blonde.

Why do brunettes always dye their hair blonde?

blonde's are said to have more fun but i think the reason blonde's have more fun is that it is easier to catch them in the dark.

Why do brunettes always dye their hair blonde?

societal pressure, or maybe wanting something different (compared to their natural hair)?

if you're going to dye it anything natural, go black!

Why do brunettes always dye their hair blonde?

it must be a girl thing.....i do not recall any guys caring what color the hair is and do not understand all the frenzy over it......keep your brunette hair and look as smart as you are........being blonde is not being dumb but trying to be different can be

Why do brunettes always dye their hair blonde?

i have very long hair down to my knees and it's dark brown with streaks of grey hair. i keep it natural and people love the way it looks. i'm very happy with it and my fiance says it turns him on. who would have thought?. by the way i have seen many people with dark hair and blue or green eyes, it really brings out the beauty of colored eyes. my newborn grandson has dark hair and green eyes and he is beautiful. just tell people that you live to please yourself and not them. that's what i tell people who tell me that i should cover up my grey hair.

peace out,

Why do brunettes always dye their hair blonde?

They don't always. You make it seem like every brunette dyes their hair, not so, some brunettes love their hair, some dye theirs black, some dye theirs red.

Don't worry about what other people say, if you love your glossy brown locks keep them that way.

Why do brunettes always dye their hair blonde?

I don't. I have brown hair, blue eyes and fair skin and I would never go blonde.

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