Thursday, April 26, 2012

What should I do I dyed my hair blonde and the top came out kinda orange??

My hair was supposed to be all blonde the top came out kinda orange but not that much what should i do tommorow is school can you guys get me pics of hair styles i can do .

And its not that noticible but i am not sure help ME !!!!!!!! PLZ

What should I do I dyed my hair blonde and the top came out kinda orange??


What should I do I dyed my hair blonde and the top came out kinda orange??

Use a Silver Toner. You should be able to buy it at a chemist shop or salon. It is coloured blue but don't let that put you off. It will tone down the orange colour..........

What should I do I dyed my hair blonde and the top came out kinda orange??

go to a salon. no time? do it in a half-ponytail...

sorry cant find any sites..

1. part hair half-way down your head. 2. comb and put it up like a regular ponytail.

or just do a regular ponytail.

try covering it up.. headbands, head-scarves, whatev. good luck! i have a major hair crisis.. check out my open question!

What should I do I dyed my hair blonde and the top came out kinda orange??

if you leave the blonde in too long it does turn orange..just leave it. if its not that bad it should b e fine

What should I do I dyed my hair blonde and the top came out kinda orange??

check the links below for * Hair coloring tips

What should I do I dyed my hair blonde and the top came out kinda orange??

fake sick! go to the salon!

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