Monday, April 16, 2012

Should i dye me hair blonde over red?

ok i have natuarl black hair then i dyed it red should i use some blonde dye and dye it over? will it turn blonde? does it damage my hair alot?

Should i dye me hair blonde over red?

I would go to a colorist because they can do it right. Turning black hair blond is tricky and you can fry your hair even if done right. You may want to consider wigs...some are quite good and you can change color (or test to see if a certain color/shade looks good on you) whenever you want.

Should i dye me hair blonde over red?

No dont do that - go back to your natural color. If you keep on dyeing different colors it will dry out your hair and it will start feeling and looking like straw.

Should i dye me hair blonde over red?

no because it will turn orange because my sisters did

Should i dye me hair blonde over red?

you should dye your hair blonde %26amp; red. but i think dying your hair damages it a little bit anyways.

Should i dye me hair blonde over red?

it will wreck yer hair,try brown first cuz if you put blonde over dyed red its guna go pink/orange

Should i dye me hair blonde over red?

Depending on how long the red has been on it some times especially if you do not use the same make of hair dye the colour can change to pink or slightly orange.

It is always better to get a dye remover, remove the dye then re dye two days to a week later. You do have to keep an eye on the dye removal products though because some times they will remove your natural colour %26amp; you will end up with blonde hair depending on how strong the product is.

And yes dying your hair a lot will damage it.

Should i dye me hair blonde over red?


Should i dye me hair blonde over red?

u cant go from red to blonde..

it will go pink

u have to get colour stripper from a pharmacy

then peroxide

get lo'real xxl plantinum

Should i dye me hair blonde over red?

Child, you are lost, lost in the forest of how one treats her hair. No, blonde dye will not dye over red, you'll have disgusting not red but too red to be blonde hair. Any time you bleach your hair it damages it.

Please, please go to a salon, even the one in Wal-Mart. At least do a consultation even if you don't have them color your hair.

TX Mom

Should i dye me hair blonde over red?

Try using a Semi-Permanent color closest to your natural color.

This will help restore your shine and health of your hair.

Should i dye me hair blonde over red?

The first time you dyed your hair, you damaged it. So yes it is extremely damaging for your hair! No I don't believe it will instantly turn blonde. You need to strip out the color first.


Should i dye me hair blonde over red?

dieing your hair is bad for it to beguin with. but i think you should just let it go back to it's natural color.

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