Monday, April 23, 2012

Should i bleach my hair blonde?

i want to try sumthin new,so i thought i might trying going blonde,but im afraid it wont look right.i hav dark brown hair and my eyebrows arre purty dark,and i hav alotta frickle and blu eyes.should i take the chance?

Should i bleach my hair blonde?

I bet you'd look cute. Just make sure you go to a good place to get it done. I'm actually a Burnett and have dyed my hair blond before and I loved it. It actually took about 4 visits to the salon b/c they had to gradually bleach it lighter and lighter then they dyed it the exact color blond I wanted it once it was light enough. If you have fine hair that's what you should do, if you have thick hair and a lot of it you could probably get it done in one go. For my dark eyebrows I had them dye them a very light brown (dirty blond) do not dye your eyebrows the exact color of your hair cause it could look too fake and washed out. Good Luck!

Should i bleach my hair blonde?

Judging by your description and your avatar, you seem to have the "Amy Lee" look, which is fabulous, if you ask me. I don't think you need to go blonde, but if you want to, then you surely can.

( Take it from me........stay like you are!! )

Best wishes!

Should i bleach my hair blonde?

i wouldn't.. dark hair is way cooler in my opinion.

if you did it, it would just look fake and out of place.

but if you have to, at least go to a salon and do it.

Should i bleach my hair blonde?

depends on what shade of blonde, your skin tone and how thick your eyebrows are. if you have thicker eyebrows, it will look terrible, thinner, not so bad. you can get your eyebrows bleached, but I wouldn't do that personally, who wants that junk anywhere near their eyes?

look at rose mcgowan in deathproof from grindhouse. she has naturally dark hair and she looked very weird, almost bad with blonde hair.

Should i bleach my hair blonde?

I suggest you try only half of it at first and see how it looks. Don't use straight bleach though, buy a box of hair bleach and use that or go to a salon and have them do it. Hair always grows and if you end up not liking the blond then you can change the color but it wont go straight back to your natural color. It will be a little different due to the bleach. Hope I helped clear it up some!

Should i bleach my hair blonde?

Bleaching is not very good for the hair.. It drys it out extremely badly. And if you don't like it, you will have to die it again, and it will dry it out even more. I would try a small change at first.. like a brown.. then maybe with some blond highlights.. see how you like that first.. .. I died my hair a black once..a nd it turned out BLUE.. i had to strip it 3x's to get it to a color i could live with..My hair was so dry and course after that.. thank goodness it is all grown out now. But you really have to be careful with this kind of thing.. It can get addicting.. and then your hair will look yucky after a few years..

.. good luck..

Should i bleach my hair blonde?

I have naturally blonde hair and I recently died it brown. I like brow hair much better because it's more warming on your face. Blonde is much harder to maintain and especialy when using bleach, can start looking brassy pretty quick. The trend seems to be darker hair at the moment, so I would leave it if I were you. if not be prepared to maintain your hair with conditioning treatments, toning shampoos and and toner. Very expensive!

Should i bleach my hair blonde?

try streaking it with blonde or light brown color

Should i bleach my hair blonde?

i know that but sorry ...........................................

Should i bleach my hair blonde?

sounds like it would be cute on you... but hard decision!

i thin u should!

Should i bleach my hair blonde?

No, blonds look fake. Once you get to your teens, blond sort of turn to brunettes. There aren't many true blond es as adults. And at school when I see someone with blonde hair, I can tell its fake

Of course,I could be wrong about your hair color. Just pick a color that look natural and nothing TOO blonde

Should i bleach my hair blonde?


Dark hair will turn orange or red

And also will damage it

blond hair is for people with med brown to dark blond hair

Should i bleach my hair blonde?

No. If you're going to color your hair at home, never go lighter than two shades from your natural hair color. A subtle change is a lot easier to correct than a drastic one. If you bleach your hair, you're permanently opening up the cuticle. It will never close again until you cut the bleached hair off. That means when you use a damaging product or more hair color, twice the damage. Bleached hair is thinner, more brittle, and overall ugly. You'll have to color your roots every 15 days or you'll have the worst case of Courtney Love hair. Deep conditioning has to be done twice as often. And did I mention if you color your eyebrows, you could accidentally make yourself go blind? If you want something new, try lightening up just a little at a time or try something different like a rich red. Best wishes! :)

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