Monday, April 16, 2012

Dying ny red hair blonde?

I am goint to dye my red hair blonde tomorrow, should i use a pre lightner. I already have some old blonde highlights in it. Any advice would be great

Dying ny red hair blonde?

y red hair looks nice these days ppl think blondes r dumb bitc*es

Dying ny red hair blonde?

Why would you want to?! Unless by red you mean ginger!

Dying ny red hair blonde?

Why are all the red heads going blonde??

Dying ny red hair blonde?


Dying ny red hair blonde?

go to a salon this could go wrong if you do it yourself.

my friend kelly couldnt be bothered to save up for this when we were at school and it totally wrecked her hair. it went so dry and it started breaking off. she had to have it cut really short.

please go to a salon frist time you do it

Dying ny red hair blonde?

Why are you dying it blond?

Dying ny red hair blonde?

go to the hairdresseres

Dying ny red hair blonde?

Don't go blonde im a redhead and your head might turn green

Dying ny red hair blonde?

Only use a pre-lightner if you have any type of depositing hair color on the hair, or if your hair is a darker red. Haircolor can only lift the natural color so far, and you don't want to end up with orange color. Haircolor does NOT lift haircolor. Do not overlap onto your previous blonde highlights, as that will weaken the hair in those areas and make it more likely to break off. Your best bet would be to go to a salon and have a professional handle this type of process. If you don't apply properly all over the head you will end up with a horrible mess, and it will cost you a lot more to get a corrective haircolor done than it would have cost you to have it done right the first time. That and you won't risk the damage that the drugstore products can cause. If you don't have a stylist, ask around. Referrals are the best.

Dying ny red hair blonde?

Don't do it! A friend of mine with gorgeous red hair diied her hair many years ago and it never recovered. She has been a strawberry blonde ever since. (Perhaps that's what you want?)

Dying ny red hair blonde?

It is your choice to dye your lovely red hair blonde--but were it me, and I had natural red hair, all I would do, if I wanted a change, would be to add some blonde highlights.

I think red hair is so lovely. My own hair is very dark brown, almost black--but I've been 'red' for quite a long while...

Dying ny red hair blonde?


Dying ny red hair blonde?

do not do it yourself !!!!

Dying ny red hair blonde?

The roots when they grow through are going to look hideous, stick with highlights (blonde) and alternate them with a colour close to your natural. That way re growth will look kinder

Dying ny red hair blonde?

Don't do it!!!!!!!! Stay a red head. Do you want to be called a blonde bimbo wherever you go?

Dying ny red hair blonde?

why the hell are you dying your nice, lovely RED hair blonde???

Dying ny red hair blonde?

no make it like betty davis.

Dying ny red hair blonde?

I think red hair is the most beautiful hair color. We have a lot of redheads %26amp; blondes in my family. I prayed for a redheaded little girl. I got a gorgeous brunette %26amp; a beautiful blonde. Red hair is the rarest hair color on the face of this earth, I think it's a precious gift from God. If you must color your hair do it in a shade of red that you really love rather than blonde. There's too many bleach blondes already. The world doesn't need another.

Dying ny red hair blonde?

Don't do it, stick with the highlights. You might decide you don't like it all blonde and then you'll be stuck with it till it grows out, or damage it further dying back.

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